The George Butterworth Young Scientist Award

Please find below the latest call for nominations for 2025. Deadline is on February 28th, 2025. 

Butterworth Award 2025 - Call for nomina
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George Butterworth was one of the two founding fathers of the European Society for Developmental Psychology. He died on February 12th, 2000.


George Butterworth was an internationally respected authority on infant development. After completing his D.Phil. at Oxford, his professional stations were at Southampton University, at the University of Stirling, and ultimately at the University of Sussex. He was appointed Honorary Professor at the University of East London in 1996. His contributions to the discipline include founding both the British Infancy Research Group and the Journal Developmental Science.


The European Association of Developmental Psychology (previously European Society for Developmental Psychology) established the George Butterworth Young Scientist Award in his honor. The Award is given every two years, and it will be presented at the European Conference on Developmental Psychology.


The awardee will receive EUR 500. He/she will be offered the opportunity to present the research of the dissertation as an invited address at the Conference, and will be invited, and supported, to publish the invited address in the European Journal of Developmental Psychology. He/she will also be invited to join the next award committee.


Requirements of upcoming nomination round

Candidates must have successfully defended their dissertation in the (broadly defined) domain of developmental psychology at a University in any European country during the period 1-1-2021 to 31-12-2022.


Nomination procedure of upcoming nomination round

EADP members, as well as non-members, may submit nominations. Self-nominations are also permitted. Two letters of recommendation written by senior scholars should accompany all nominations. The proposal should be based on the dissertation of the nominee. However, the nominating individual must send an article or chapter of the nominee that has either been published, is in press or has been submitted for review. It must be written in English following APA format. ERU board members and EADP council members are not eligible during their mandate.


The recommendation letters, the article or chapter, and a copy of the original PhD thesis (any European language is permitted) should be sent by email to the EADP secretary (PDF format preferred).

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